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living on mars



The Martian Nest

The Martian Nest is a state-of-the-art 3D printed habitat made from polymer thermoplastics. The printers use material made from the soil, rock and sediments found on the Martian landscape. The 3D printers were sent two years ahead of the first SEIA mission to construct these cylinders ready for human arrival. When the SEIA X mission is completed, the structures will be melted down and deposited back onto the surface without any wasteful by-products.





Nest 4: Ground level holds the entertainment room, consisting of a small cinema screen, dartboard and relaxed seating. First and second level hold sleeping quarters.

Nest 5: Ground level holds the conference room. First and second level hold auxiliary power generators and specialised laboratory equipment.

Nest 6: Reserve communication and life support. For this reason, it is not connected to any of the other structures.

Nest 2.png

The Nest Sections

The Nest can be split into six sections:

Nest 1: Communication and control centre, where all the crew’s life support, research labs, satellite electronics and instructions from Earth come through.

Nest 2: Ground level holds the gymnasium. First and second level hold sleeping quarters.

Nest 3: Ground level holds the kitchen and dining area. First and second level hold sleeping quarters.



Solar Farm

Stationed fifty metres away is the solar farm, with pipes running underground back to the Nest. The habitat, rovers, life support and all other equipment are powered purely by solar energy generated from the solar panels. The crew are required to clean the solar arrays every sol to remove the build-up of sand and dirt that is brought by the wind. Failure to do so would reduce the efficiency of the arrays and could lead to equipment failure, endangering the crew and the mission.

Image by Markus Spiske

AI SpaceFactory

The Martian Nest is based on the concept designed by the AI SpaceFactory who recently won a competition with NASA. Check out the link to explore their website and the cool design concepts for living on Mars and on Earth. 


the missions

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Rocket Launch
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Rocket Launch
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